Thursday, May 15, 2008

One last thing …

If you left a comment here yesterday but haven't heard from me by e-mail, please contact me at shrinkingknitter AT citynet DOT net [you know the drill]. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Longtime lurker never commented before, but I'm going to comment today and say that I'm so glad you are back. I missed you when your blog was locked.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Debbi

I'm glad you're back, as well. I was confused by the Google account thing and not sure what to do, so I did nothing.

We have retired and are now living in the Shenandoah Valley, near Woodstock. Since I no longer have the same email address, I'm the happy recipient of the fluffy (and beautifully made) pink sweater.

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you.

I want to change information about a diet and health or the exercise for a lot of people.

I like pilates.

I linked your site.
Please link to my site.

Thanking you in advance.

Anonymous said...

Let me add my welcome back to all the others. Missed reading about the middle of nowhere!

Anonymous said...

It looks like your blog at least temporarily has gone silent. I just wanted to tell you how very much I loved reading your entries. I know how hard it must be to keep a blog going. It's like writing a daily newspaper column without getting paid! I DID appreciate your columns, and I often will think back on your Las Vegas wedding and pink & white hand-knitted sweater as though it was a local friend of mine and not somebody in the middle-of-nowhere.

Weight loss is such a difficult thing to achieve and to maintain. You had MUCH more than average success at it. I think I have had much more than average success at it also. It takes HUGE resources of energy, enthusiasm, determination, etc. to lose and maintain. You DID all that. You did REALLY WELL! You were an inspiration to many.

My weight has gone up again in recent months. Maybe yours has too. It is discouraging. Disheartening. Difficult. Demoralizing. However, I am still fighting the fight. I am trying to eat healthy food every day. It HAS to make a difference. Every bit of exercise does count. Every bit of eating right that you can muster counts too. It is getting through the TOUGH times that are what really matters, not the sailing through when things are easy. Just keep hanging in there making an effort. You'll get through it!

I guess in summary I want to say that I consider you my friend. I don't KNOW you in person, but knowing you on line, I do feel I know you. I CARE what happens to you. I have appreciated averything you have posted. You are a friend.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I need to Post this info to keep you informed..

have a look at this and give me some comments about this products.

can i buy this ?

Anonymous said...

nice to meet you guess ill start commenting now

Anonymous said...

nice blog there Debbi!!!
Hello my name is Christy Lee. I am seeking out possible link partners that our visitors would be interested in visiting. I've found your website to be a very good fit for our visitors. I have already gone ahead and added your link to our website at:
I am contacting you to see if it is ok to have done so. Also, I would like to ask if you mind linking back to us? If so, please use the linking details below and send me the location of our link on your website.
Here is our linking details:

Title: Weight Loss Management

I hope this can be a way for us to benefit our visitors with excellent content.
You can email me at: when you have added our link on your page.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Christy Lee

Anonymous said...

Did you see Dax Moy's ? I recieved a bunch of fitness resources. Happy Holidays!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice site here...I see a variety of comments though. Good luck with everything.

Vikram for All said...

hoy.i am glad you came back.i missed you when your blog was locked.


Anonymous said...

I hope you come back.

Anonymous said...

I thought this website would be a great help for you guys please visit this site i lost 45 pounds in 16 weeks by doing this and joining in on the free weight loss chat rooms

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

Porky M. said...

Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that I'm linking you now cause I love your posts. I look forward to reading more in the future!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen this new lip balm that was on the Today Show claiming to help with weight loss? I found a few videos of it on youtube.

RachelB said...

This blog is totally original. I love the mix of topics. You are so creative.

Unknown said...

This is brilliant! thanks for posting it . It has really brightened up my weekend and should last me through the week I think.

Weight loss

Alan said...

i found this site abuot diet

Acai Berry Weight Loss said...

I was surfing net and fortunately came across this site and found very interesting stuff here. Its really fun to read. I enjoyed a lot. Thanks for sharing this wonderful information.
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Stretch Marks

Waist, Hips, and Thighs said...

I have commented before but wanted to know if you no longer blog on this site?
